
Mahavir Jayanti Essay For Students

Mahavir Jayanti Essay For Students | About Mahavir Jayanti in India

Mahavir Jayanti is one of the major festivals of India. Thefestival of Mahavir Jayanti is mainly celebrated by people of Jain religion. This day is the birth day of Jain saint Mahavir and is celebrated in remembrance of the great saint. Mahavir took birth in 540 B.C. in a small place named Vaishali. In 2014 this festival will be celebrated on Tuesday, 23rd April all over India with full enthusiasm and joy. According to the history, Lord Mahavir was the founder of Jain religion and 24th teerthankara.

On this day, Jain temples are specially decorated with flags and ceremonial bath called ‘Abhishek’ of Lord Mahavir takes place in morning. For people of Jain religion, Mahavir is the God who gave them knowledge about the essence of life and showed them the right way to live life. People all over India celebrate Mahavir Jayanti with full joy. Jain people used to give food, grain, milk, fruits, and rice to poor people. All people of Jain community participate in the celebrations organized at temples. Priests also give lectures about Lord Mahavir and his preached. People worship and wish for the well-being of their family. People also often donate money for poor people and to save cows. This is the festival of peace and humanity.
Grand celebrations are organized at some famous Jain temples like temples at Parsvanath, Kundalpur and Pawapuri. It is really great to see the celebrations at these temples all over.

So, Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated all over India to memorize the great teacher and saint Bhagwan Mahavir. This day is very popular all over India and world but is more famous between the regions like Gujarat, Rajasthan and Delhi where you can find more people of Jain religion.